
Paperback Available Now and Summer Workshops

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Brain Rules Paperback Now in Stores
We are happy to report that the Brain Rules paperback is now available. The paperback includes a special link to watch the DVD online. You can pick up a copy at any bookstore. Links to buy online are here.

Brain Rules Workshops
Spend a day with John Medina as he takes the research and ideas in Brain Rules to the next level. Seattle Pacific University is hosting Brain Rules for Education (for teachers, principals, superintendents, and administrators).

Brain Rules for Education- Seattle
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Register and learn more: http://tinyurl.com/brainruleseducation

Register now to secure your spot as seating will be limited.

Cool Links to Share

There's a ton happening online related to the book. Here are some links to check out:

Sleep Well, Think Well - learn why we spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping
Brain Rules for Presenters - Garr Reynolds shows how Brain Rules relates to presentations
YouTube - more than 30 Brain Rules videos
Authors@Google talk - watch John Medina's 50-minute talk at Google
Tutorials - explore each brain rule through charts, audio, and video
Twitter - follow the action on Twitter
Mind Map - interactive outline of all 12 Brain Rules
Facebook - become a fan of John's, watch videos, discuss the book, and more

Brain Rules T-Shirts
We now have our own t-shirts. If you'd like a free t-shirt, order 7 copies of either the paperback or hardcover from an online bookseller by April 15, 2009 (tax day). Simply forward your email receipt to brainrulesbook@gmail.com with the subject "t-shirt." Let us know your size and mailing address. Offer is only good for U.S. addresses.

Thanks for sharing this with your friends and colleagues. Remember, curiosity is everything.

Mark Pearson
Pear Press

P.S. If you received this email from a friend, sign up to subscribe to the newsletter.


  1. How about a Brain Rules Education workshop in Salt Lake City, UT?

  2. How about a Brain Rules Education workshop in Orange County, CA? Specifically, applications for higher education? What would it take to host?
