
5 Brain Rules for Parents

There's a great ongoing conversation over at the Brain Rules for Baby Facebook page amongst new parents who have learned from Brain Rules for Baby. Author Dr. John Medina recently shared his 5 essential Brain Rules for Parents:
1. You are going to make lots of mistakes.
2. That’s okay. 
3. If you pay close attention to the safety needs of your children, – both the emotional and physical ones - you will almost always win.

4. If you treat your kids like they were merit badges, you will almost always lose.

5. Be prepared to live with contradictions. The parenting social contract is singular: they take and you give. Yet if you do it right, it won’t matter. You would die for them anyway, which means parenting is the best way to become a saint. Or a martyr. It is hard to believe that ripping your heart out of your pleural cavity and pinning it to your shirtsleeve could be the best thing that will ever happen to you. But it is. Parenting is probably the hardest thing you will ever do, but it is so much on the right side of worth it.


  1. Wonderful !¡! ... So true !!! ... & my Papeh clued me into this blog, & I am now a Moma to ae growing strong 10 month old bebe boy. I need to translate this either into Spanish, or French, for my husband will benefit in reading these 5 brain rules !!! ... Muchas Gracias !¡ ~ ... Merci Beaucoup !! ~ ... Thank you !¡!!! ~ * ;)

  2. So wonderful !!! ... Real true ' , & I appreciate this good influence. ;)

  3. I am a tired mom of a boy going on 3.

    I'm aware of the many mistakes I've made, but only to discover them late. One of those I've regretted most is not talking enough when he was a baby. Now, he isn't talking like a 2 year old should though he is a bright child with a good memory.

    Have I hopelessly ruined him? Everytime when I try so hard to get an answer from him and he doesn't, I wish I could start everything again.

    I wonder if you answer problems on blog. Is my child too late for help?

  4. @Anonymous,

    Consult with your pediatrician to make sure there aren't other factors involved e.g. food allergies—which can have strong neurological effects.

    I'd suggest using the 'shaping' training method to encourage talking. This is what I did with my son. Any sound he makes, we treat as if he said a word, and show them what that word means.

    So when my son babbles something that sounds like the word "eagle" I repeated the word eagle, showed him a picture of an eagle, etc. This taught him that his sounds have meaning (i.e. they are words!) and that different sounds have different meanings, and now we're building a vocabulary.

    Maybe just making that connection for him will get things rolling. I also recommend reading out loud to him a lot, with him and the book in your lap, using your finger to highlight the words as you read them. Might as well make those connections while we're at it too!

    And remember kids can talk at very different ages—so don't fret too much about it.

    Good luck!

  5. Hi there - i really enjoyed reading the book..I have a question..i know kids under 2 are not supposed to have any screen time..I am wondering if keeping in touch with grandparents who are overseas via video calling is considered as "screen time"?Does it impose any negative effects on a baby/child?

